CIO/CISO Female Sydney Lunch

To celebrate International Women’s day LogMeIn hosted a Female CIO and CISO Sydney Lunch.

In recent years, we’ve seen the economy being transformed thanks to the adoption of cloud app technology, the need for constant connectivity and more recently, the rise of remote working technologies. All these have challenged CyberSec professionals around the world as they are required to keep their distributed organisations protected, collaborative and productive at all times.

In the current environment, women are underrepresented in the IT workplace and account for only 25% of those with post-secondary IT qualifications in Australia*. As the demand for IT skills continues to increase, we must look to build a diverse IT workforce to address the challenges we face as we adopt new technology.

In the context of the International Women’s Day, LastPass is bringing together a group of women leaders in IT to discuss and celebrate the ideas combating these issues we currently face in the CyberSec landscape

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