Our speaker Michael Porfirio – Senior Director – ServiceNow hosted a Singapore & Malaysia CISO Virtual Roundtable on the below.
The 2020 business challenges include complying with government measures to contain the spread of COVID-19. But perhaps just as important are arresting declining revenue while ensuring profitability through better cost management.
As IT Leaders how do you do this on a limited budget? How do you proactively scale your organisation’s business resilience against an escalating cyber threat landscape?
Gartner forecasts cybersecurity spending to reach US$123 billion in 2020. Who has this kind of money when businesses are trying to contain the bleed from declining revenue and the rising cost of keeping remote working processes secure?
Welcome to the paradox of business unusual.
ACCESS in partnership with ServiceNow is organising a by-invitation-only roundtable to discuss strategies and options available for enterprises to enhance their security posture and practice without introducing additional complexity or risks.
The roundtable discussed the business value of a platform that will enable you, as vanguards of a secure digital enterprise, to deliver a security strategy that is proactive, sustainable, and resilient to whatever disruption awaits us in the future, one that scales with the threat landscape.
Areas that will be covered at this virtual roundtable include:
1. Security Operations: the security strategy of the digital enterprise.
2. Building operational resilience and security into the new workplace.
3. From policies to incident response protocols – re-architecting your security and risk teams to operate in completely different environments and mindsets.