It was great to hear from Alastair MacGibbon – Chief Strategy Officer – CyberCX over Breakfast and a group of Melbourne Public Sector Leaders discussing…
The evolution of work is setting an unprecedented stage for a continuous work-from-anywhere culture, coupled with an equal evolution of digital services, becomes a labor-intensive task to manage.
Enabling an anywhere, anytime workforce, while ensuring productivity does not decrease, is imperative. With the key goal of, ‘one identity per user, for all of government’, legacy identity platforms create roadblocks for government departments looking to modernise.
A modern identity platform gives you the ability to integrate with bespoke, legacy, and home-grown systems, while you modernise. Change can happen in a day and taking a true SaaS approach enables government departments to take a hybrid approach to change.
Our group discussed:
- Cyber Threats and the barriers to cyber resilience – cost, workforce and technology.
- Who has access to what? What should they have access to? How did they get that access?
- Managing changing regulations and an increasingly diverse user base.
- Driving operational efficiency.