“Prioritizing your Cybersecurity Investments with 3 Pragmatic Approaches.”

Our partner Cloud4C hosted a Singapore networking dinner with 18 CIO’s & CISO’s discussing…

Prioritization is the Most Effective Strategy, Even When it Comes to Risk Management. Digital transformation and accelerated pace of change are the new-age business mantras. And while that means moving fast and breaking things – continuous innovation, it also entitles continuous risk management. However, in a sea of threats and equally many security solutions, it’s imperative for business leaders to know where and how to prioritize their cybersecurity investments without affecting the sanctity of core systems and privacy of data.

Our group discussed:

  • How to Identify the most significant security blind spots that gets missed during the modernization process which could impact the businesses – To understand how to scope the threat landscape, cut through the noise and effectively identify the most likely and riskiest attacks.
  • Combat above threats efficiently through balanced and targeted investment in resources, time and technology.
  • Adopting a “shift everywhere” strategy in taking a security-by-design approach through automation.
  • Sell Cybersecurity investment needs to your board.

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