We recently hosted a CIO & CISO Lunch on behalf of Vectra AI our lead Oliver Tavakoli – CTO – Vectra AI started the open discussions with…..
Our group of 15 CISOs will have an open discussion on the below points and have an understanding of present-day Ransomware attacks and how they are likely to evolve as the hacker’s pivot to stealing and encrypting data stored in the cloud.
- Ransomware and software supply chain attacks have dominated the cybersecurity news feeds and have certainly also captured the attention of mainstream media over the past year.
- While supply chain attacks have already shown a clear appreciation for target organizations’ cloud footprints and have leveraged that understanding to pull of some of the more impressive attacks, almost all Ransomware attacks have continued to focus primarily on traditional on-premise IT estates.
- Oliver will discuss what this combination of Ransomware and cloud is likely to be.
- Will data stored in the cloud be less or more susceptible to Ransomware attacks?
- Will recovery be more or less arduous for victims?
- Will the economics of these attacks be better or worse for the attackers?