Securing your business’ evolution to data dependency.

It was great to host a Sydney Lunch with 15th CISOs and CIOs with our speaker Erick Reyes – Regional Sales Manager – Thales discussing….

Revolutionary organisations rely on data to make Decisions, Deliver services or Disrupt legacy markets – the Three D’s of digital transformation. When you are data-dependent, the confidentially, integrity, and availability (CIA) of data becomes a critical element of your business’s success.

Thales and peers explored innovative approaches to embedding data security so as to strategically protect your data-dependent organisation from breaches and ransomware, while still meeting privacy and security compliance obligations.

We discussed:

  • For Data dependent organistions – regulatory, industry or internal requirements to secure sensitive data and critical information assets.  This track typically leads to security maturity discussions, for example Essential 8. People will tell you they are meeting them, but when looking under the hood, the controls/framework they are working in is very basic and doesn’t get them close to maturity level 3. 
  • What do the attendee’s see as critical to their digital capabilities. How does this fit in to the security strategy? Does this strategy give capability to pivot fast and ensure that you are embedding data security in your processes.
  • Interoperability – Data dependent organisations on the journey to digitizing assets to meet customer demands are typically generating more data and are getting more exposure to differing privacy and data regulations. How do organisatios look at this challenge and what measures can be taken to ensure confidentiality, integrity and availability data.

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